
荣誉绳子: bet365中文大学 graduates may be eligible for several honor cords that 是可用的 the week before graduation.
学生应该 仔细检查合格:
  • 红色(两者的通用线) 本科生和研究生 students and signifying membership in a discipline-specific honors society)
  • 金色,蓝色和白色 本科生 表示成功完成了J. N. 安德鲁大学荣誉课程,获得3分.总绩点5分,完成SAGES)
  • 白色( 本科生 获得GPA的毕业荣誉——见下文) 

在毕业时授予下列本科生, 毕业前一个学期, have completed 16 semester hours at bet365中文大学 with the following overall GPAs:


额外的绳索和奖章 是可用的 (please note that unapproved adornments are not permitted in graduation ceremonies):

  • Silver cord - for bet365中文大学 student missionary/task force workers. 由校园事工办公室分发
  • 红、白、蓝三色绳-代表光荣退伍的美国军人.S. 老学生,现在在美国的学生.S. 军事(现役), 国民警卫队, 储备), and Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) students commissioned upon graduation. Graduating veterans are asked to please bring military ID when picking up Veterans cords. 
  • Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Medallion on blue ribbon - for inducted members. 在毕业典礼上由Phi Kappa Phi颁发的奖章
  • Randall Leadership Medallion - for 本科 Leadership Certificate and Minor graduates. 由本科生领导办公室颁发的奖章
文化的披肩: bet365中文大学 supports the wearing of University-approved stoles to celebrate the rich cultural diversity of our campus. 以下是目前与毕业礼服搭配的披肩: 

The Adventist Colleges Abroad stole is worn by participants who have studied at an international ACA member 机构 for a year, providing an integral aspect of the program of study for many bet365中文大学 students with a major in languages. 它有利于学生的文化,学术和语言能力. ACA的披肩上印着bet365中文大学的颜色(蓝色和金色), the ACA logo and 大学 logo as well as the flags of the countries in which the student has studied. This commemorative stole emphasizes 大学’s global focus and recognizes its students’ decisions to pursue cultural immersion and foreign language learning as a means of embracing this mission. 

The AULA (bet365中文大学 Latino Association) Latino stole is worn by participants who identify with the Latin American cultural heritage. 为披肩选择的颜色, 红色和白色, are present in most Latin American flags and represent two important principles. Red symbolizes the sacrifice of those who died fighting for the 自由 and liberty of Latin American countries. White represents the hope that Latin American countries would always be free. AULA (written on the stole) refers to the unity of the diverse Latin American cultures represented in the U.S. in search of academic, social, spiritual, financial and emotional dreams and achievements. 国际语言办公室分发 & Global Studies ($10 payable in advance of stole ceremony by cash or check)

The Eastern Asian Heritage stole is worn by participants who identify with the cultural heritage of the countries of China, 日本, 香港, 朝鲜/韩国, 台湾, 澳门及蒙古. 灵感来自传统的皇家服装, 蓝色代表不朽和进步, 而银色代表优雅和成熟. The flags of each of the seven countries as well as four Eastern Asian symbols appear on the stole: the crane, 代表好运和长寿, 云和波浪象征着力量和对抗逆境的韧性, 樱花代表美丽和纯洁. 

The Filipino Bayani stole is worn by participants who identify with the Filipino American cultural heritage. 灵感来自菲律宾国旗四种颜色中的三种, 红色代表爱国和英勇, 蓝色代表和平, 真理, 而正义和黄色代表团结, 自由, 民主, 和主权. 巴亚尼这个词的意思是“英雄”. 然而, 巴亚尼不仅仅是一个英雄, 它代表了一个人对更大利益的承诺, for the community and the nation and accurately describes the graduates’ 成功 in their academic journeys and to take up the mantle as leaders in wherever their aspirations take them.

本土的夏威夷 & 太平洋岛民偷窃
夏威夷原住民 & Pacific Islander stole will be worn by participants who identify under the Oceania subregions of Polynesia (Samoa, 汤加, 夏威夷, 等.)、美拉尼西亚(巴布亚新几内亚、斐济、新喀里多尼亚等).)和密克罗尼西亚(关岛、帕劳、马绍尔群岛等).)尽管NHPI文化总体上具有细微的共性, 他们是说不同语言的不同民族, 习俗与艺术. The NHPI cultural stole patterns represent various attributes of the Pasefika: the shark’s tooth is rooted in historical and cultural significance, 几个世纪以来, 是力量的象征吗, 保护与电源, and can be traced back to the seafaring traditions and profound connection to the ocean characterizing the life of Pacificans; the spearhead represents skill, 机会, 成功, 繁荣, and the spirit of service; the manulua is a depiction of birds’ wings, 把团结, reciprocity and harmony; the royal blue color speaks to the vast Pacific Ocean voyaged by its seafaring people; the yellow exudes energy, happiness and friendship that is synonymous of the Pacific Islander hospitality; and in finality, 如果不表现出帕塞菲卡文化的中心:上帝,那就太疏忽了. The ancestors of the peoples of the Pacific were initially pagan believers drawing upon nature for spiritual decree; however, 当基督教传入的时候, 他们接受并拥抱了永生的上帝, 耶和华. 白色代表上帝的公义和纯洁. These designs have been passed down from generation to generation and are engrained in the 本土的夏威夷 & 太平洋岛民的生活方式.

The Indonesian Batik stole is worn by participants who identify with the Indonesian cultural heritage. 这条披肩是蓝色和金色相间的, 大学的色彩, 并用蜡染装饰, 这是一种传统织物,是印度尼西亚人生活的重要组成部分. Specific designs are worn for special occasions and other everyday designs are worn regularly in work and academic settings. The Andrews Society of Indonesian 学生’ motto is Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, 意思是“多样性中的统一”.“毕业生们穿上披肩是为了纪念他们的祖国, 大学, 以及他们在bet365中文大学期间取得的成就.

The Kente stole is worn by participants who identify with the Pan-African cultural heritage. On the Kente stole the gold emblem is an Adinkra symbol called NEA ONNIM NO SU A, OHU. 这句话的意思是“不知道的人可以从学习中知道。.” It symbolizes knowledge, lifelong education and the continued quest for knowledge. 红色的, 黑色的, 绿色和金色是泛非(非洲人出生), 血统或遗产)颜色. 由BSCF分发的偷走(由 电子邮件).

The Southern Asia Stole is worn by participants who identify with the cultural heritage of the countries of Afghanistan, 孟加拉国, 不丹, 缅甸, 印度, 马尔代夫, 马来西亚, 尼泊尔, 巴基斯坦, 新加坡, 和斯里兰卡. 虽然这些国家和文化在地理上都很接近, 它们之间有一些明显的区别. 披肩上的佩斯利(两者)图案是南亚常见的图案, and is used in various decorations for celebrations of significant events. 的颜色, 绿色和金色, are represented in the different countries' flags and/or have some significant cultural significance to each country. 这个披肩是由以前的南亚毕业生送给毕业生的, akin to the elders in the community giving advice to the youth before they go out as independent individuals.